Aliens Did NOT Destroy Chicago Read online

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other so that we will also kill each other, or at least accept their acts of mass murder!Wow, that's so enlightened!

  There's a lot of information that is being prepared, and a new website where you can learn about all of this. I'll talk about it some more in a minute and link everything below.

  [Speaker pauses. Looks away from camera to gather thoughts, makes a big expulsion of breath before continuing.]

  So what you all heard was a big announcement from an alien saying that the Earth was diseased, and the Earth DNA was being eradicated to prevent any further infection to the galaxy. Then you might have seen a big flash of light or something. That was deliberate to hide what was going on in the press conference room, which was the synthetic getting tackled and torn apart. While that was going on, and everybody was basically screaming and running around trying to get to the exit, me and the two other vloggers heard this weird sound, kind of like a sort of gong. But it wasn't a gong—I'm not sure how to explain it. It was like a gong being played backwards, getting louder and more full, but at the same time it felt like the way pressure builds in your ears when you go up in an airplane.

  As the sound got louder, the room got really dim. Kinda like it was fading away. But I could also see this really bright flash, and I knew that this was a nuclear explosion of some kind happening. I figured, this is it, I'm going to die now.

  [Speaker stops to wipe tears.]

  Then suddenly, I'm sitting in this weird looking room. Or I thought it was a room. I was like—is this heaven or something? What's going on? As soon as I started getting a little panicky, I felt this really calming energy flow all through me. My body relaxed, and I realized I was still in a body! And I saw the two other vloggers sitting near me. The room was round, and there were these chairs that we were reclining in, almost like a movie theater chair, while we were watching a nuclear mushroom cloud on this giant viewscreen.

  It was a spaceship. I'm not exaggerating or lying to you. My friends and I are all here together and we have all given separate accounts without collaborating, with witnesses to make sure that we did this the right way, and they have sworn testimony, too. It is all there in the links below. You can see for yourselves that we are telling you truth and we are not lying to you.

  We found out that the non-terrans had planned on disclosing to the people of our planet not only of their existence, but of a lot of other things that have been going on for decades. A secret space program, colonies on other planets—all of it has been going on for long time.

  See, because the non-terrans were planning on doing this, they underestimated what these ruling elites would do. They didn't realize that they would do the unthinkable. I was told that the cabal asked the non-terrans to wait for this disclosure until November. Well, that was so that these evil men would have enough time to set up this false flag and nuke a major city in America. They managed to shield their thoughts, compartmentalize everything in such a way, that our friends didn't figure out what was happening until it was too late. The non-terrans grabbed me, Bobby and Ana just in time so that we could share with you what really happened.

  So we were transported somehow onto this spaceship, and of course it took a few minutes for our bodies to sort of regain equilibrium, not because of their technology but because we were almost nuked! I was told that their tech makes the transition less painful normally but I don't need to get into that right now.

  [Speaker pauses to drink water from a nearby glass.]

  I can't even tell you how I felt at that moment. I was watching a nuclear explosion right over Chicago. I could see the whole city on this sort of holographic projection. I didn't want it to be real. It was then I knew—not because I put all of this together, but because the information was put into my mind. We were shown the control room of the group that fired the missile. There was a dead body on the floor, probably of the guy who refused to push the button! And the faces of the men who made it happen. World leaders—all of them were in on it! Yeah, one or two of them didn't want to make this happen, but they were all told that it was necessary to justify going to war with these alien races who were going to disclose their existence to the whole world.

  See, these non-terrans were going to be peaceful, helpful beings who would inspire the people to overthrow all of the world governments, and that if they didn't create this war with them, they would lose all of their power and control over the people.

  [Speakers pauses and sits back in chair.]

  You have to understand this. I know it's difficult to wrap your mind around it, because for your whole life you've believed that your governments were working to protect you and your interests. You thought they were doing all of these things to make your life safe and to make sure that your societies functioned well. But I'm telling you it is all a lie. The only thing that government stands for today is protecting those in power from US.

  [Speaker points at herself.]

  From the PEOPLE. That's it. They foster all of this fear and hatred between all of these made-up factions and groups of people, they create religious ideology and corporate hierarchies, and fear and greed and competition—all of it so that we just keep fighting each other instead of asking why we have these old men running things. They keep distracing us so that we don't question what it is that they actually do.

  And what have they done? They've just murdered two million people in one of the most wonderful cities on the planet. Did you know that Chicago was the most diverse city in America? Think about it—why would they choose a city with such abundant creative thinking, and so many communities that work side-by-side together in its own kind of crazy harmony? So they destroy it! And they blamed it on aliens so that we beg the old white dudes for a one world government to further enslave us. They want us to beg them to rule us. It's what they've always wanted! One giant government to enslave all of us. Do you get it? They think we are that stupid that we'll just roll over and let them keep stealing our land, stealing our resources, and killing us while they do it!

  You know what they've been doing with our resources for decades? Haven't you ever wondered what they do with all of those minerals they mine? It can't all be for bombers and tanks and large hadron colliders. They sell it off-planet! They've been selling people, too. Selling PEOPLE. All of those missing people, sold into slavery in mining colonies, or to who knows what on other worlds.

  I'm sure that they are going to try coming for me. But guess what! I'm going to be somewhere safe, somewhere they can't get me. And this message will keep broadcasting, and there will be more messages. Because this time, these guys have really fucked up. They think that the people have been completely duped and believing them for all of these years, but people have been waking up a little bit at a time over generations. And we don't believe them anymore. We know the truth.

  Just make sure you share this everywhere. I'll have more information up on the website soon. You have to copy everything on secure external drives, because they're in control of the internet. They're going to try to shut it all down to keep you from sharing this information. But we're working really fast to get everything out there so that this can be shared with everyone. Don't stop with just the documentation—talk to your neighbors, your churches, your community groups. Talks to everybody! Don't let them spin this lie!

  The most important thing that you can do right now is just love each other. That what defeats them—when we come together in cooperation, and don't believe any of those lies about how we are all different and competing. There is no hierarchy. There is no “better than”. We're all the same. Well, women are better, but we know that, right?

  [Speaker laughs.]

  Seriously, everybody. You have to love more. Love each other more. Share more. Choose harmony. If anything in your daily life seems to be steering you to thinking that you have some kind of special truth, or that you know better than other people, or that those “other people” are just somehow less than you—that is part of this cabal's psy-op. It's all mind control to get yo
u to fight with each other.

  It's all going to come out. All of it. Everybody will know the truth soon. I just wish it had been before so many people were murdered.

  Please. Please! Don't let their deaths be in vain. Don't let this cabal of ruling elites drag us into an interstellar war. Don't let them rule you or your mind. Hold on to the truth. Hold on to each other. Peace out. I love all you guys. I love my life and this world. I am so grateful to still be here with you, to share all of this with you, and grateful for our beautiful, beautiful blue planet that nurtures and sustains us! I will speak to you again soon.

  [Speaker blows a kiss to the camera. Video ends.]



  Author's Epilogue

  The basis for this short story is a dream that I had in 2006 where the exact scenario that I describe herein occured—a synthetic “alien” announced in a press conference that the Earth was diseased and would be destroyed to prevent an “infection” to other planets. There was a flash, and I found myself on an interplanetary vessel with one other witness to this atrocity, which was perpetrated by ruling elites on the people of our planet. In the dream,